Jay Blades in court: BBC presenter denies coercion

The allegations relate to events between January 1, 2023 and September 12 this year. and relate to the fact that the 54-year-old committed behavior that made Mrs. Zbozen “fear at least twice that violence would be used against her.”

The judge rejected a request to keep part of the proceedings secret.

He also removed a bail condition that required Mr Blades to wear an electronic tag that had not yet been fitted due to “failures” by the company responsible.

The judge told Blades: “You deny responsibility for the crime with which you are charged and the prosecution proposes to put you on trial.

“I am removing your exclusion zone designation, but you are still in the exclusion zone.”

Blades, from Claverley, Shropshire, is expected to appear in court on May 6 next year.

Dressed in a dark suit and tie, he spoke only to confirm his identity to the official and make his request.