Former Kent County janitor pleads guilty to possessing child porn

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – A former janitor at Forest Hills Public Schools has pleaded guilty to possessing pornographic material.

Bradley Arkesteyn, 29, worked at Collins Elementary, Meadowbrook Elementary, Northern Hills Middle School and Northern Trails 5/6 School, a source told FOX 17 after his arrest in March.

FHPS did not explain that nothing concerning was revealed during a background check on Arkesteyn.

Arkesteyn was indicted by a federal grand jury in April.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan (DOJ) says Arkesteyn admitted to possessing more than 700 explicit images of children.

“Child abuse cases are among the most serious because we seek to protect what is most vulnerable: our children,” says U.S. Attorney Mark Totten. “While fortunately the evidence in this case did not establish any direct child abuse, the victims whose images were sold online by Mr. Arkesteyn have suffered lasting harm. I am proud of the work of law enforcement in bringing him to justice.”

Visit the Safe Childhood Project website for more information about how the nationwide program works to protect children from abuse.

Grand Rapids

FHPS is responding to questions from families regarding allegations made by an employee under CSC

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