Concord may return soon as mysterious Steam updates arrive

Agreement was, by all accounts, a tragic end to a promising game. Sony Firewalk Studios created a hero shooter to rival Overwatch, but player interest was almost non-existent. Player numbers on Steam were horribly low and within weeks Concord was withdrawn from sale and issued a refund. But is this the end of the story? I hope not. I want Firewalk to get another chance, and it looks like there’s a glimmer of hope.

When Firewalk announced that Concord was shutting down, it was a sobering moment. Sony, the creator of PlayStation, withdrew its multiplayer game from sale within weeks of its release. This is a very important matter that can be read as a foreshadowing of upcoming events. There is light at the end of the tunnel, however, as Concord game director Ryan Ellis wrote the following.

“At this time, we have decided to take the game offline from Friday, September 6, 2024 and explore options, including those that will better reach our players.”

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Things have gone quiet since then, but since Monday, September 30, there have been almost daily updates in the Steam backend. It’s currently unclear what that means, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a Concord restart at some point. Sony has already put a lot of time, effort and money into this, so it’s likely that changes will come.

However, according to a Kotaku report last month, the Concord executive has reportedly stepped down from his supporting position. The report alleges that some Firewalk employees “are pessimistic about Concord’s return” and that “some have been asked to investigate the possibility of finding something completely different.”

Concord Steam Updates: Take a look at the Concord SteamDB page and discover that it is constantly being updated

Regardless of Concord’s future, I hope Firewalk and Sony find something that works. It is assumed that Concord could become a free-to-play game, but this raises the question of whether this will be enough.

While we wait to see what the future holds for Concord, there are tons of top FPS games to choose from, and even some amazing cross-platform games that also work on PC.

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